Tuesday, February 10, 2009


No matter how bleak things get out there; no matter how bad the world becomes due to the false hope preached by false prophets, we will always have happiness if we find meaning within ourselves.

Our lives are a reflection of who are, the sum of everything we do each and every day. Nothing that anyone else does, especially anything that government does, will change the fact that you are responsible for your life. Even when governments create miserable Hell Holes on earth, they cannot take away your soul and your inner freedom to be happy - to believe, hope, exercise faith, or pray.

If you have never read Man's Search for Meaning it is an excellent book. In it Viktor Frankl discusses how we grow and succeed in life through the meaning we find in it. In 1930's Europe, we see what happens in a society where tyranny takes the form of fascism - destruction, misery, fear - where millions are killed and millions more have their lives ruined. But despite all of that within the confines of man's soul there can be inner peace and true hope.

We are so blessed to live in America. Our nation has prospered greatly during my entire lifetime. We MUST NOT take America for granted any longer because there are forces at work that are seeking to destroy everything that makes this country great. If enough of us do not open our eyes and start actively preserving our freedom then we will wake up one day not too long from now and wonder what happened, and then the blessings of liberty will be but a dream and a tale.

If we transform this country into a society without liberty and freedom, it will serve to suck the meaning out of people's lives and make it harder for the individual to succeed. We in our generation, and the one before us, have taken for granted all the wonderful freedoms that we have, and I fear lest we will not be grateful enough to fight for them until they are lost.

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