Monday, August 31, 2009

An Accurate Prediction...Unfortunately

"Homeowners want protection from their own bad judgment, investors want protection from market forces, the old want free medicine, the young want free schooling, the unemployed want jobs and money, the rich want politicians in their pockets, the poor are never satisfied; investors, homeowners, pensioners, is there anyone left in the world who isn’t trying to get something for nothing? And the government obliges them." —Nation Newspaper Barbados

Speaking on his radio show October 3, 2008, Mark Levin said the following: "You know what happens if we elect a Marxist to the Presidency, and the third most liberal senator to the Vice Presidency, and Nancy Pelosi still running the House by even a bigger margin of liberals, and Harry Reid still running the Senate by even a much bigger margin of liberals there, do you know what happens? The foundations will start to crack!"

And here we are 11 months later, and these irresponsible people having been in power a little over seven months, and its true. The policies and laws, the regulations and rules, are all starting to weigh down on the country and the forces that have done this are not letting up in any way. This is a very crucial time in our nation's history, as with all times, but if Reagan was right—and I think he was—that freedom is always one generation away from extinction, then right now is the fight of a generation.

Continued: "Now you tell me if we don't live in a soft tyranny today. One-third of your fellow Americans do not pay any federal income taxes, ONE-THIRD! Two-thirds are carrying the entire burden"—and to remind you of what that burden is see U.S. National Debt Clock— "And of that two-thirds, the top 50 percent, which is about $60,000 and up, is paying 97 percent of the tax burden for everybody else! Now he wants to keep redistributing wealth, just how much more does he want to redistribute? He says, Obama, that 95 percent of Americans will get a tax break. How can that possibly be when only two-thirds pay? Well, you know how it is, it's called the massive welfare state. What he's saying is the people who don't currently pay income taxes, he's going to take money, more money from the people who do pay income taxes and give it to the people who don't pay income taxes. Where I come from that's called WELFARE! So what he wants to do is massively increase the welfare state, massively redistribute wealth, and a lot of people who aren't millionaires are saying, "Oh I'm all for it, good, gimme, gimme!" You're gonna be punished!"

Well I couldn't have said it better myself, and it is all happening right in front of our faces, as we speak. Our way of life cannot take much more of this. As was said, "the foundations are starting to crack."

Friday, August 28, 2009


The Debtor Nation

I ran across this site today while watching the rebroadcast of a news segment from Wednesday night. US Debt—This is a frightening disclosure of where we have placed ourselves as a nation over the last 75 years.

It is totally and utterly irresponsible of anyone who has been given a mandate to honorable hold elected office to discuss doing anything that would worsen our financial problem as opposed to addressing ways to correct it.

Yesterday on the Rush Limbaugh Show, Rush talked about The Purposeful Destruction of American Capitalism. He mentions several things in the article that should jump out at every remotely intelligent, freedom loving American (I may have just disqualified millions of people):

  • GDP declined 1% in 2nd Q 2009

  • CBO projects 2.3 million more will be unemployed next year—which by the way would put unemployment over 10% and real unemployment over 17%

  • Current budget projections estimate a $9 trillion deficit over the next ten years—add that to the current $11.7 trillion debt!

  • A financial crisis that will make last fall look like a picnic is no doubt the end game if the completely reckless policies that are being put in place are not reversed and remedied.

  • A complete financial crisis would justify certain radical reforms in tax policy, i.e. confiscating the wealth of anyone who makes more than $xxx,xxx (a number which is consistently becoming smaller and smaller.)

So the underlying impetus behind this systematic destruction of our financial system and the government's financial integrity is to allow the state a justification for total wealth redistribution.

Tax Reform

I think it is safe to say that most Americans are in favor of tax reform. Very few people could make a sound argument in favor of the status quo; however, there are some who want to follow the Marxist model and implement "A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.",which we already have to a certain degree, but these people would take it to an extreme. The article that Rush was quoting is entitled Obama and 'Redistributive Change' by Victor Davis Hanson, and I strongly encourage you to read this article and pass it along to all those you know.

I too am in favor of tax reform, but I hope that we can accomplish it on the merits of the proposal and the logic behind its benefits and outcomes. The tax reform we need must give power back to the people, it must free the engines of progress and innovation, and it must raise enough capital so that we can get ourselves out of this death sentence we have and are creating for our nation. The best proposal I have seen so far is the Fair Tax.

This is a very important time in our nation's history, with as many disastrous policies and other efforts to undermine America and her mission, right now we are seeing a great onslaught of malignant force.

"There are reasons for optimism, but you are right: It is a dangerous time. It's the most dangerous time in my life for freedom and liberty in this country."Rush Limbaugh 08/26/09

How to Destroy a Free Society 101

I told a relative of mine the other day that I believe the easiest way to destroy a free country is to hyper-inflate its currency. But that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to skin the proverbial cat. Here are some other ways to destroy a nation deeply rooted in liberty, such as America:

  • Undermine the nation's currency

  • Promote, condone, and in any way encourage immoral and licentious behavior

  • Create a massive welfare state that makes a majority of the citizenry dependent upon the central power or magistrate.

  • Usurp and centralize power over life, liberty, and property

  • Limit religious freedoms

  • Restrict free speech

  • Create a state controlled media

  • Disallow or curtail ownership of weapons

  • Give the state control over the education and indoctrination of children, youth, and young adults.

  • Discourage wealth creation and productivity through confiscatory taxation and demonizing of success

  • Elect and appoint wicked and dishonorable men and women to high office (including those who do the bidding of this class of people under the guise of good intentions

This is the battle plan of those who hate liberty and freedom. We must be vigilant and active in protecting all of these fronts everywhere. Again we must all be anxiously engaged in the good cause of protecting our liberty because as President Reagan said repeatedly "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Do Blantent Contradictions Make One a Liar?

Wow, as disappointing as it is to have a president who is so maniacal, I cannot say I am disappointed in President Obama because as they say if you aren't expecting anything good then there's no disappointment when you get nothing. Frankly, I expected everything we have seen out of this man so far, and this flat out disingenuous debate on healthcare is just the latest and most obvious example.

How Can You Trust this Man?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In The President's Secret Service

In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes with Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect

Never before has a journalist penetrated the wall of secrecy that surrounds the U.S. Secret Service, that elite corps of agents who pledge to take a bullet to protect the president and his family. After conducting exclusive interviews with more than one hundred current and former Secret Service agents, bestselling author and award-winning reporter Ronald Kessler reveals their secrets for the first time.

About the Author
Ronald Kessler is the New York Times bestselling author of The Terrorist Watch, The Bureau, Inside the White House, and The CIA at War. A former reporter for the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, he has won sixteen journalism awards. Kessler lives in Potomac, Maryland, with his wife, Pamela.

My Take

This interview is very interesting for a couple reasons. First, Mr. Kessler describes, in more detail than what one might have known, how JFK and LBJ (why the initials) specifically did not have the highest of moral character—and assuredly we can throw Mr. Clinton in with them too. Mr. Carter was not as genuine as many have thought him to be, his private self being much different than his public self. Then on the other hand with Reagan and the Bushes we have Presidential men, the best example of statesmanship we've had in a generation.

Contrast the values, the positions, the ideas, the principles, and the character of these two groups of men. Dispense with party affiliations for a moment and observe how beliefs and character are so closely related.

The second observation is how people in high office interact with others. Note for example how the charismatic faces were just fronts with the first group and genuine with the second. Some people enjoy being around others and some dislike it. What does it say about the soul of a man if he truly finds pleasure in the company of others regardless of their station when he himself has a position of immense power and prominence?

Now, in conclusion, what type of men promote liberty and individual worth? Men who themselves have good character and values. Men who lack virtue will look upon others with contempt and see fit that they do not have the freedoms which would allow the vice ridden man, like himself, to ruin his life. A real man who has developed character, like President Reagan did, will look on man kind with respect and love. He will seek to promote liberty and encourage his fellow man to become great and use that liberty to achieve great things. Let this be a lesson in how to measure the stature of a man who seeks to lead.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The American Way and A Real American Hero

Recently I saw the latest comic book epic to hit the big screen: GI Joe. What became readily apparent in the film is that the GI Joe unit is not a US operation, but is composed of the best soldiers from the military forces of every nation of the world. Duke, one of the first characters the movie introduces, is American but is a member of NATO.

After watching the film I tried to figure out what was missing, and it finally hit me—GI Joe, when I was a kid, was "a real American Hero." This tag line was conspicuously absent from the film. This happened a couple years ago with the release of Superman Returns, when he was only fighting for only "truth and justice" and not "the American Way" also.

So the question is why are we stripping our heroic icons of their red, white, and blue mantles? Some say it is simply the fact that these phrases were not original to the respective stories: see NY Slimes Article.

Others point to the fact that these movies are made for international distribution and should cater to an international audience. As an ardent supporter of international trade and capitalism I can buy into this argument, but just a bit. I believe that the world needs a standard to look to and I believe that America is a beacon to the rest of the world.

I am reminded of the words of then Governor Ronald Reagan:
"We cannot escape our destiny, nor should we try to do so. The leadership of the free world was thrust upon us two centuries ago in that little hall of Philadelphia. In the days following World War II, when the economic strength and power of America was all that stood between the world and the return to the dark ages, Pope Pius XII said, “The American people have a great genius for splendid and unselfish actions. Into the hands of America God has placed the destinies of an afflicted mankind.”

We are indeed, and we are today, the last best hope of man on earth."
--The Shining City Upon A Hill, on January 25, 1974 to First Conservative PAC

Nine years later he spoke similar words about the greatness of America:
“The United States remains the last best hope for a mankind plagued by tyranny and deprivation. America is no stronger than its people - and that means you and me. Well, I believe in you, and I believe that if we work together then one day we will say, ‘We fought the good fight. We finished the race We kept the faith.’ And to our children and our children's children we can say, ‘We did all that could be done in the brief time that was given to us here on earth.’ ”
--Remarks at the Annual Members Banquet of the National Rifle Association in Phoenix, Arizona on May 6, 1983

Unfortunately, many people in our country fail to see this vision. Those who fail to understand the greatness of America have conglomerated in certain fields that have great persuasive abilities, namely the Media, Academia, and Entertainment. Hollywood has long been a purveyor of this negative sentiment that like a debilitating virus strikes at the vital systems of our citizenry. Gone are the days of John Wayne and the likes. Now we are almost completely bereft of entertainment that carries with it patriotic overtones or undertones.

I mentioned the vital systems, in doing so I have in mind the youth of America, particularly those aged 4-10. It was during these years that I watched shows like GI Joe. I learned that America and its institutions can work to overcome evil in the world. You can call it propaganda, but what it does is propagate ideas that can shape a generation; the question is which ideas are being propagated?

I ask, What is wrong with teaching the rising generation that America is a great land? And that we must be a virtuous people and set an example to the world of right living, a just and civil society, and a proper moral order? We are a shining city on a hill, and appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions we can say that we are an example to every nation of how a society should live and govern.

So let Superman defend the American Way and let GI Joe be a Real American Hero.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Justice is Blind so What's with the Politics

Many areas of our government are spiraling out of control, but one of the most troubling is the political pandering taking place over at the Justice Department. If our Justice Department keeps up this kind of negligent activity we will start to see an outbreak of criminal activity because those who have been charged with enforcing the rule of law are acting as lawlessly as the criminals they should be dealing with.

The following story illustrates the latest instance:

From the Washington Times - Panel Blasts Panther Case Dismissal

"The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is demanding that the Justice Department explain why it recently dismissed a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place during last year's election, saying the department has offered only "weak justifications."

Commission Chairman Gerald A. Reynolds, a former deputy associate attorney general under President George W. Bush, said he fears the legal precedent set by the department in its May decision to drop the case might encourage "other hate groups" to act similarly at polling locations in the future.

Mr. Reynolds also charged that other groups might not have been treated so leniently.

"If you swap out the New Black Panther Party in this case for neo-Nazi groups or the Ku Klux Klan, you likely would have had a different outcome," he told The Washington Times in a telephone interview Monday.

"A single law, a single rule should be applied across the board. We are communicating with the department in hopes of gaining a better understanding of just what happened."

The commission is an independent, fact-finding body charged with investigating civil rights complaints and making recommendations to the federal government about how to fix problems it uncovers.

In January, the Justice Department filed a civil complaint in Philadelphia against the New Black Panther Party after two of its members in black berets, black combat boots, black shirts and black jackets purportedly intimidated voters with racial insults, slurs and a nightstick. A third party member was accused of managing, directing and endorsing their behavior. The incident was captured on videotape.

Four months later, Justice officials dropped the charges because, they said, "the facts and the law did not support pursuing" them. They also said the party had disavowed what happened in Philadelphia, had suspended that city's chapter and that one of the Panthers, Jerry Jackson, had been allowed by Philadelphia police to stay at the polling place as a certified Democratic poll watcher.

But before the charges were dropped, a federal judge in April ordered default judgments against the Panthers after the party members refused to respond to the charges or appear in court. The Justice Department was also in the final stages of seeking sanctions when a delay in the proceedings was ordered by Loretta King, acting assistant attorney general.

The ruling was issued after she met with Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli, the department's No. 3 political appointee, who approved the decision, according to interviews with department officials who sought anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the case."

Read Full Article Here

The trite phrase, "elections have consequences," carries with it some powerful truths and some frightening realities. We must do all that we can to prevent this administration from further damaging our society. The 2012 elections will be important to begin to undo the damage being done in the executive branch of our government.

But more imminent and pressing are the congressional elections of 2010. We must take the power away from those who have been abusing it so blatantly for many months now. We will have to work very hard to undue the damage that this democrat majority and president have and will inflict on America, so start getting the word out to more and more people about the tremendous need to get involved and to start paying more attention to what's going on.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tampering with Markets ALWAYS has Unintended Consequences

This from an article one year ago.

"Though overall heroin use has remained relatively stable nationwide, numerous police agencies across the country say the drug, once the scourge of poor inner cities, has in the last several years attracted a new generation of users who are largely young, middle-class and living in rural and suburban areas.

At least part of that resurgence, police say, is a side effect of the explosion in prescription drug abuse. Federal statistics show that nearly 7 million Americans abused prescription drugs in 2007, more than marijuana, cocaine, heroin and Ecstasy combined -- an 80 percent increase since 2000."

Gee, why so many drugs??? Oh yes, the prescription drug benefit for Medicare! Free drugs for thousands of seniors courtesy of you and me—the tax payer. (This is one Bush 43's greatest blemishes). With billions of dollars being doled out for pain medication all across the country, it is no wonder pain medications have become to this generation of teenagers and college students what marijuana was to the hippie generation.

Yes, socialism always has unintended consequences. Any time the iron fist of government reaches in to perform some seemingly harmless or even beneficent act, the intended results are never realized. The pro-government control politicians are never held to account for their mistakes, usually because they are dead by the time the worst consequences hit. And the voters seem just as susceptible to the empty and misleading promises of a new generation of politicians just as they were the last.

So let's be clear: Government Control=Bad
Decentralized Power, Liberty, and Freedom=Good

Let the free markets be free and the economic engine of capitalism will continue to carry us forward. This especially applies to health care just as much as anything else.

We are going to fight many battles in the upcoming months and years, but this one is extremely important! Call and write to your congressman and senators and tell them NO! on government run health care.